23 Juni 2011


Culture is as good living habits are passed down from one generation to another. And for business, culture is absolute and the main thing that must be understood, learned and applied, when he started the business in a new culture. Studying the culture into one main key to success in order to succeed.
However, rarely wider community, especially in Indonesia, which is still less aware of studying the cultures of other countries, a key to success abroad. Success here in the sense that his efforts were well received in the local community, business can be developed, and certainly bring more value the benefits, safety, and job security.
Well, on Saturday, June 18, 2011, the country was surprised by the convicted train a hero of our foreign exchange. Regardless of what and why it happened to him, here I review what the problem heroes - heroes of our overall foreign exchange, so often the punishment - punishment and torture like this.
Illegal recruitment agency and a lack of understanding about the culture of the destination country's migrant workers replied. We can not always blame the government on this issue, although we do have to admit the existence of a weak protection of workers and distribution of illegal migrants who always escaped. Here the government and society must work together, not the time to find out who is wrong.
Problems - problems like this should not happen, if TKI has previously trained and mental performance, as well as equipped with knowledge about the culture of the country of destination, even a very important thing is they have to pass the assessment work is good, responsive, and diligent. Often the problem is triggered non - fulfillment of their employer, because the performance is not good, and satisfactory in line with expectations. It is often expressed both directly and not by the state - the state target Indonesian migrant workers.
Even I myself had a personal experience that indeed I think can be a problem if this happens to migrant workers abroad. Some time ago I employed a domestic worker, she was practically still young, but its performance here is very disappointing, even we so come share a helping hand to him. He is not very responsive to his job, when given a hint of command, he worked very slowly, and was impressed thinking weak. His work was rarely done correctly in order, example washing clothes, when we still find a dry spot. Originally we understand, but finally to avoid misunderstanding, we decided to let him go.
It is a condition of domestic workers in Indonesia mostly, most of them do not work wholeheartedly and just waiting for orders without the initiative. This condition may be understandable fellow citizen of Indonesia, but whether other countries that receive migrants like this can accept about it ? especially culturally and linguistically very different.
In addition to workers who need training and learn the culture of his boss one day, but people - people who employ them must also receive training and understanding of cultural workers. This is to avoid inconvenience to the employer and workers in the process.
Therefore I strongly recommend:
  • The government and society are aware of any recruitment agency or recruitment of illegal workers, must act decisively by giving a clear and definite laws.
  • The government should make more agencies - recruitment agency legal institutions are legal entities with the name of the body clear clear and known to the public (ex like as pawn shops, the National Narcotics Agency, etc.), and preferably constructed in the region - the region of small, rural and remote areas Indonesia.
  • The government should require a legal recruitment agency providing the right training and good work, and study the cultural understanding and language of the country of destination.
  • The government should require both the recruitment agency in Indonesia and in countries of destination, to facilitate the communications of the TKI.
  • The government should have MOU agreements clear and unequivocal rules (whether about salary, employment, and others - others) and punishment - punishment that is allowed. For example with the Indonesian government firmly rejected beheading and execution of death sentences imposed in State X because after all migrant workers are not citizens of X, and so on.
  • The government must see a direct cultural learning process conducted in destination countries. So it's true - really well done the training.
  • The government should conduct outreach to the public to be vigilant on illegal recruitment agency.
  • The government should establish protection agency in the country of destination (must exist throughout the region) are special duties overseeing the state workers and superiors, and periodic expansion on migrant workers and superiors. So the workers can feel the attention and know where to come if there is a problem.
From this case we can conclude TKI, a culture will affect the environment like a corporate environment and even a country. Culture must be received with open, and with ready mentally. Studying a culture of communication to avoid misunderstandings that could be fatal, therefore it is important to understand other cultures, without losing its own culture.

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